Monday 22 October 2012


A target audience is a group of people with certain values in common, a company will then market their product at this group as they are the most likely people to buy their product. So it is extremely important for a company to identify their correct target audience in order to maximise their sales. The purpose of a target audience is to allow you to be able to market your product, in this case a music video, to the correct type of people so that you're music video will get the most views and sales out of the appropriate audience.
So all of our primary researched has helped us to identify our target audience which will enable us to aim our music video at the correct group of people and include things in our music video that will appeal to this target audience in order to satisfy them. Primary research is research which we conducted ourselves, first hand, this means that all of our research is relevant and up to date. Primary research is usually more reliable than secondary research because you know it is correct as you have received the results yourself, and you know that the research you have received is relevant to you due to the fact that you are able to address a specific research issue.

The research we conducted was; a questionnaire, which we then turned into pie charts and bar graphs, and vox pops, which are video recordings of interviews.
For the questionnaire we surveyed forty people, this was because we needed to ask a reasonably large amount of people to get a wide range of opinions. If we had only asked a small amount of people then we would not have received very varied data and different opinions, which would have made our findings less reliable.
The vox pops were rather successful as it allowed us to get a more detailed insight into our target audiences opinions. We will use the results from our vox pops to decide which song by Example we will choose to do a music video for, and also to help us know what our target audience expects to see in our music video.

During our questionnaire we asked the question 'What is your favourite song by Example?' the results from this question showed that the majority of the surveyed peoples favourite song was 'Stay Awake' with 19 people out of 31 people voting for it. So the results of this question allowed us to choose 'Stay Awake' as the song to focus on and create a music video for. This is because we wanted to create a music video for Examples most popular song in order to excite and satisfy the target audience so they will want to watch the music video..

Another question we asked in our questionnaire was, 'What do you expect to see in a music video by Example?'. The results from this question were extremely important and useful as it allowed us to plan what we wanted to include in our music video to make it look more professional and appeal to the target audience and relate to the dance music genre. The answers show that we should include the artist singing, a party atmosphere and bright colours in our music video for 'Stay Awake'. So we will follow these results as we want our music video to follow the conventions and characteristics of dance genre music videos, as we want the target audience to like the music video and be able to quickly identify that it is a dance music video that they will enjoy.

Due to the results of our questionnaire we have decided to do a concept based music video as the results from the question 'Do you prefer narrative, performance or concept based music videos?' showed that 25 out of the 40 people surveyed preferred concept based music videos, therefore showing us that our target audience would be more entertained by a concept based music video. We want to follow our surveyed groups opinions as they will be the ones watching our music video, so we have to make sure that our music video entertains them otherwise the music video will not be successful as it wont get many views if lots of people decide it is not entertaining, so this is why we are doing a concept based music video. We may also put some performance based footage into our music video as that was the second highest result and we feel that it may help the audience to build a relationship with the artist, and also help them to understand the lyrics of the song better.

When we asked the question 'What do you expect to see in a music video by Example?', one of the answers was 'footage of performances' which received 18 votes, however, unfortunately we will not be able to include live footage in our music video as we have limited resources, so we won't be able to include this feature that our target audience would like to see in the music video. However, we will be able to include performance based footage of the singer singing in front of the camera, so the target audience will be able to see the artist performing in the music video so they can get a sense of his personality and lifestyle, but they will not be able to see live footage of him performing in our music video.


  1. Your evaluation shows some understanding of why primary research is essential to a creating a media production. You have analysed your results well but you need to expand on the points that you are making, by considering how your research will assist you in planning your music video.

  2. Your evaluation now demonstrates a sound understanding of the primary research that you carried out
