Tuesday 2 October 2012

Goodwin's theory

Andrew Goodwin’s Theory
Brand New – Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Fades

The band Brand New is an alternative rock band that has a target audience consisting of both males and females aged 16 to 25. The music video for their song 'Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades' is both performance and concept based, as throughout the video we can see Jesse Lacey, the bands singer and writer, mouthing along to the words of the song. The concept of this whole song and video is about following the crowd and a teenage boy having sex with a girl even though he's not quite ready yet and the heartache that comes afterwards.

The video begins with the singer/man running through an empty street, he then stops and stares straight through the camera and the shot changes to show us what he is looking at, a black door with a picture of a sheep on it, which follows Goodwin's theory in respects to the lyrics relating to the visuals as someone who follows the crowd is sometimes called a 'sheep'. The notion of looking and voyeurism is seen once he enters the dark bar, as when the other people all look up to see him there is a mirror which shows the reflection of even more people looking at him. Also, when the singer walks past the mirror himself we can see his reflection being reflected in the mirror several times.

Within the first minute of the music video the audience realises what is going on in the music video, as the visuals strongly relate to the lyrics and the whole concept of the music video. Once the singer reaches the bar and orders an alcoholic drink, which links to the rock genre characteristics, we understand the message behind the music video as the barman begins to copy every action that the singer does, therefore relating to the image of the sheep on the bar and the lyrics. Once the artist realises everyone in the bar is copying his actions, many close ups show us that he is confused and worried about this fact. But after the artist realises the power he has with being able to make the others copy him, shots of his face show that he is actually beginning to enjoy it. We can see his character begin to change as he makes another person stroke a girls face, by making him copy his hand movements. At this point the close ups we see of his face begin to look manipulating and evil as in the lyrics it shows he begins to slip into the dark area in his life where he begins to have a more serious relationship with his girlfriend.

Following Goodwin's theory, there is also a strong relation between the music and visuals, as each time the song reaches it's chorus or the climax the singer acts in a more angry and lively way so that he is moving in the same beat to the music. For example, when the song reaches its chorus at one point the singer violently pushes a table over, forcing the others to copy him.

During an energetic instrumental part of the song we see the singers personality completely change as he now looks fully evil and sinful as this is the section of the music video where, form the lyrics, we know that the boy gives into his girlfriend and has sex with her even though he doesn't want to yet. After we see this shot the singer walks over to a girl who is also still copying his actions and due to this he makes her take off one of the straps on her top.

However, straight after he does this his hand snaps up to reveal that he is now uncontrollably copying another person, this shows that now he has done the deed and given into being a 'sheep' and following the crowd, he is now one of the people that copies the others, so rather than being the one in control, he is now one of the followers. So this strongly relates to Goodwin's theory in terms of a link between the lyrics and visuals, as when the singer becomes uncontrollable in his actions the lyrics 'the station where the act becomes the art of growing old' these lyrics simply mean that when the act of sex is done the boy will be fully grown up and a follower of the crowd, and no longer innocent, so this is reflected in the visuals when he starts copying the other man.
Also, once he starts copying the other man the lyrics 'die young and save yourself' are screamed and in the visuals of the music video, the man he is now copying face is completely shadowed, but we see his fingers slide across his throat, which is a symbol for killing someone, so this relates to the lyrics about dieing before you turn into an adult and go through the difficulties of life and loose your innocence.
Throughout this music video there is reference to Goodwin's theory, in terms of following the genres characteristics, the whole music video is shot in a dark, dingy bar with many shadows which follows the alternative rock genre,and the reference to alcohol and screaming also relates to this.

So the main basis of the story is: a boy begins a relationship with a girl, which is when he first walks into the 'sheep' bar, and then he starts off as an independent person but soon begins to be a 'sheep' and follow the crowd by having sex with this girl, which is reflected in the music video when he tries to make the girl take her top off, but after this happens he has lost his innocence and grown up to become a 'sheep', which is shown when he looses control of his actions and begins to copy the new man who has entered the bar.

Within our own music video we will make sure we follow Goodwin's theory in respect to the lyrics linking to the visuals and the music linking to the visuals. We will follow this in our own music video in order to make video flow well and to make it more entertaining for the audience. Also we will follow the dance genre characteristics, such as a party atmosphere, bright colours and fast paced editing in order to allow our target audience to relate to the music video and therefore be more entertained by it.


  1. You have made a start in applying Goodwin's theory to your chosen music video. You have identifed the main points and you have also considered some examples too. However, these examples need to be related back to the audience and you need to discuss how the video would appeal to the target audience.

    To make your analysis more detailed you need to consider the rest of the characteristics and embed still images to support the points that you are making.

  2. This post shows that you have taken on board the feedback well and you have made the necessary changes, which shows your understanding of Goodwin's theory in more detail.

    Finally explain how you will follow Goodwin's theory within your own music video
