Thursday 15 November 2012

Analysis of Digipak

A digipak is the packaging of a CD/album including the front and back covers. The way the digipak looks is important as it gives the customer an  idea of what the artist will be like, as the digipak represents the artist and their music.

This is David Guettas digipak for his album 'One More Love', the images, colours and layout on this digipak is very important as it represents his music and him as an artist. From this digipak Guetta is represented as a lively pop/dance artist as the back two covers use bright colours. However, the front cover has a black and white image of  David Guetta himself, so the lack of colour could show his serious approach to his music, and the contrast with this dark image to the colourful back cover could show the difference types of moods and themes in his songs on this album.
On the back covers the colous red, yellow, purple and white are used which are all very bright colours which could be linked to the club and rave scene. The white background with these bright colours on top of it could be seen as paint splatters, which would strongly relate with the rave scene as it is strongly associated with bright colours and UV paints. So overall the use of colours help promote a dance vibe and environment which are conventions of the dance music genre.

White is the background colour of the digpack, and the colour white connotes positivity, perfection and light, this links with the dance theme as the connotation of light reflects the dance and rave scene atmosphere and the connotation of perfection could represent how Guetta worked hard on his album to make it perfect.
Another main colour used is yellow which connotes fun, happiness and energy, which again strongly relates to the dance gemre. This is similar to the colour orange and red, which also both reflect the dance music genre.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in analysing your digipak above but you have only considered the colours. Refer back to the lesson, which will assist you with completing this
