Tuesday 13 November 2012

Analysis of magazine adverts

7) style of language
8) How does the advert promote the artist?
9) How does it promote the music genre?
10) How does it attract the target audience 
This is an advert from a magazine promoting Example's latest arena tour in the UK. This particular advert represents Example as a non conventional dance artist due to the use of mainly dark colours,  when other dance artist who promote their work use many bright colours such as yellow, orange and pink. The top half of the advert shows a picture of Example from his latest album 'Playing In The Shadows', which is the album in which the tour is promoting. The picture strongly relates to the albums title as half of Examples face is literally covered by a shadow. Although the picture in this advert is the same as the album cover, which could be seen as not very creative, it could also work in Examples favour, as this image has become somewhat iconic to his fan base and target audience due to its wide use to promote Example and his music.

The main colours used in this advert are black and white, however there are some hints of colour with the large yellow banner showing Examples name and then the hints of red which are used to clearly show the readers of the advert that an extra date has been added to his tour. The use of the main colours black and white relate to the shadow over half of his face as it connotes the idea that Examples new album and tour will contain content which shows both sides of Examples personality, the dark side and the light side. But the use of the yellow and red will draw the target audience in as the bright colours stand out clearly on the dark background. Also the red colour which highlights the information that an extra date has been added to the tour will intrigue those who may have already seen the advert which was released previously to the extra date being added, so the use of this extra bold colour will persuade these people to look at Example's advert again.

By putting Examples name in a large font, in a yellow rectangular box it draws the readers attention straight to his name, which is the focus of the whole poster. Also, the fact that it is in the centre of the poster also forces the reader to look at the poster, and then persuades them to read further down the poster. Below Examples bold name is slightly smaller writing which reads 'Wretch 32', this is Examples  main support act for his tour. So the choice to put this acts name in slightly smaller writing is important, as it is a key detail to the target audience, as it may help them decide whether or not they may want to come to the tour. However, although the font of 'Wretch 32' is smaller than Examples, it is not smaller than the other details, such as the actual tour dates, this is because the acts name 'Wretch 32' is a persuasive detail which will make the audience want to attend Examples tour. Whereas the tour dates are just extra information that the audience will need to know but will not necessarily affect their decision to come to see Examples tour.

This is an advert from a magazine promoting a similar artist to Example, Tinie Tempah. Similarly to Examples tour advert, Tinie Tempah also uses mainly dark coloyrs which is unconventional to most dance genre advertisments, as they usually contain bright colours to represent the dance and party atmosphere that is associated with dance music.
Although the advert uses mainly dark colours it does connote a rave atmosphere, as the use of the bright white light in front of Tinie Tempah's image looks like strobe lights which you would find in a club or a rave, which links to the dance genre. The layout of Tinie Tempah's advert is similar to Examples in regards to the picture of the artist being on the top half of the advert with the tour dates and information below it.
The most noticable writing on this advert is Tinie Tempah's name, which is written in large bold white writing, this will automatically draw the readers attention to see whos tour this advert is advertising. Below this writing is the name of the tour, which is 'The Disc-overy Tour', this is written in a larger font than the other writing on the advert to make it stand out, but not as big as the artists name. Also the way Tinie Tempah has decided to spell his tours name is interesting as the word discovery has been split into two words 'disc-overy' which could represent the fact that on this tour he will be showcasing his new album which his fans with the be 'discovering'.  Also, the picture of Tinie Tempah on this advert links to the tour name as he appears to be looking into something which is glowing, so he is discovering whatever is inside the thing he is holding.
On the right hand side of the advert, below Tinuie Tempah's name, are the names of his support acts. The support acts names are written in a much smaller font than Tempah's, but they are also written in the particular artists iconic way. For example 'Chiddy Bang' is written in the same style as it is on his own adverts and albums.
The advert represents Tinie Tempah as a rapper who's music is likely to be played in raves and clubs which shows that it will be dance music with a strong base. This would attract his target audience as the bright light and word 'discovery' will intrigue them to find out what they will be discovering about his new tour.

1 comment:

  1. This post shows some understanding of what a magazine advert is and this is because you have analysed two different dance texts.

    You have considered the fonts and dance conventions well, but you also need to make notes on the following:

    1) representation of artist
    2) audience relationship

    Finally include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your own advert
