Tuesday 6 November 2012

Research into chosen music genre

We have chosen to use the song 'Stay Awake' by Example for our music video, and the genre of this song is Dance.

Two music artists that are similar to Example are; Tinie Tempah and Calvin Harris. This is because both of these artists songs can be placed under the music genre 'dance', like Example. Although all three artists produce songs of the same genre, they do have their distinct differences such as the sound effects used in their songs, their voices and many other things.
The song by Tinie Tempah that sounds the most similar to 'Stay Awake' by Example is 'Pass Out', as both songs have the dance genre characteristics of a strong beat and rhythm which will allow people to dance to their music.
'Feel So Close' by Calvin Harris also sounds similar to 'Stay Awake', although Calvin Harris always sings rather than rap, the backing music is very similar due to the strong dance beats, and the sound effects used in each song are very similar.

Analysis of 'Feel So Close' by Calvin Harris

The opening shot of Calvin Harris' music video for 'Feel So Close' is a long shot of the songs title graffitied onto a rock in bright colours, which already relates to the dance music genre as the dance genre is usually associated with fun and bright settings. We are then shown shots of Calvin Harris driving an old pick up truck, this will appeal to the target audience as they will want to see the artist himself in the music video so they can know more about him and his lifestyle.
There is then a series of shots showing radios and speakers being tuned and carried outside, this relates with the dance genre as the music is regularly played on the radio and in clubs where big speaker are used to play the songs loudly. The music then begins to play as a close up shot shows a girl turning up a radio, and the actors all begin to start dancing with smiles on their faces. This corresponds with the dance genre conventions and it is seen as a fun and lively type of music which will make people happy and want to dance.
The begining of the song is edited with a slow pace, which is unusual for dance videos, but is very similar to Example's music video for 'Stay Awake'. But when the pace of the song begins to pick up, the actors in the music video begin to get more lively as they reach their destinations, such as an empty area outside and a club. Also, we are then shown a series of quick paced shots which appear in time with the beat. Also the song title and lyrics begin to be reflected in the music videos visulas, as people begin to find someone they love and 'feel so close' to. For example, a couple begin to kiss, some friends meet up with a group of girls and then a girl who was sitting on her own meets a boy who she then starts talking to.
As the chorus kicks in for the second time, a young girl who is shown several times begins to dance in the middle of a road, but as she begins to spin the shot changes into her wearing a ballerina costume, which shows thsi girls strong connection with music. So the song title 'feel so close' might be about any relationship, be it with a person or music. So this girl feels so close to the music that she begions to improvise a dance.
By the end of the music video everyone seems to have had a good time dancing and listening to music, which relates with the music genre, and many people are in new relationships, which again relates to the songs title. Also the video is both performance and concept based which is a common theme to dance genre music videos.

Analysis of 'Pass Out' by Tinie Tempah

The opening shot of 'Pass Out' by Tinie Tempah is a close up of him looking down at the floor and then slowly rising his head in time with the beat until he is looking straight at the camera. The whole music video and his latest album cover and posters have been given a futuristic and sci-fi look, so around Tinie Tempah's head in this close up is a ring which looks like the ring around the planet Saturn. We are then shown an extreme close up of his lips singing the song, which makes the music video partially performance based.
We are then shown a link between the sound and visuals, as we see several shots of Tinie Tempah rapping which change in time to the beat, all of these shots use different camer frames, ranging form extreme close ups to long shots.
A close up of a speaker is shown vibratin g to the beat of the song, and this is a common characteristic of dance music videos as we also saw speakers in Calvin Harris' 'Feel So Close' music video.
As Tinie Tempah returns to rapping the song, certain words that he says appear on the screen in a bright blue font, and at one point his name comes up in this font but with blue chains making it dangle in mid air, this relates to rappers,a s many rappers are seen wearing expensive jewlerry, such as chains, to show of their luxury lifestyle.
During this music video Tempah has another artists featuring throughout it, and both of them are wearing sunglasses even though they are in a dark room. But there are many shots showing bright white lights, which could reflect the lights in clubs and raves, so the fact that they are wearing these sunglasses amkes the audience believe that those lights are very bright, and also that they may just be wearing these sunglasses to shwo off their lifestyle.

Furtheer on through the music video, the speaker is shown again, but this time it has black glitter over it, so when the sounds comes through the speaker it makes the glitter fly in the air, giving the shot a very cool and futuristic look. Also Tempah's outfit keeps on changing form a blain black jeans and jacket to a plain balck sequioned t-shirt,whcih links with the glitter on the speaker. By using the colour black the most throughout the whole music video, it makes it a very unconventional music video, but the use of some of the lighting and his flashing sunglasses gives the effect that they are in a nightclub or rave.
Instead of the words he raps coming up in a blue font like previously in the music video, the word 'Famous' is now made out of matches which he then sets alight, the bright could therefore link to the bright lights used which look like the lights used in clubs. Also, the flame has been edited to light up each letter in time with the beat of the song which gives it a dancing effect.
At the end of the music video more people join in dancing and jumping with Tempah, and we are shown close ups of galss being smashed and more colours, so during the climax of the song the music video is thrown into more chaos representing the scene in a club.

Dance Music Genre
From analysing those two dance music videos, I can see that some common themes used were; having slow paced editing at the begining of the music video, and then using fast paced editing through the rest of the video, showing speakers, and having people dancing and jumping to the music.
By looking at these two dance genre music videos it has given me an idea as to what dance genre conventions I should use in my own dance music video to 'Stay Awke' by Example.

For our own dance music video we will try and use some of these characteristics I have found, for example we will try and use the common theme of the slow paced editing at the begining of the music video when the songs beat is slow, and then use fast pace editing as the pace picks up. We also paln to have a party scene in our music video so we plan to include the convention of having people dancing and jumping in our musci video. By doing some research into dance genre music videos I hope it will help me make our music video more dance orientated, so that our target audience can identify straight away that it is a dance music video and we also hope that by using these conventions it will enteratin our target audience more.


  1. You have made a start in analysing two music videos that come from the dance genre. You have identified the main points but you still need to include more detailed micro elements points to show further understanding of this task. You also need to include still images to support the points that you are making.

    Also within your summary you need to consider the research that you have carried out and how this will assist you with planning your music video

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound understanding of your chosen music genre. You have analysed the videos well, but more focus is needed on the micro However, you have also started to explain how your research will assist you with planning.
