Monday 5 November 2012

Research into chosen artist

My chosen artist for our music video is Example; he creates music of the dance genre, so I decided to chose him as our artist because we thought it would enable us to create a fun and lively music video. Example is a mainstream artist, meaning many people will have heard of him and his music. I was inspired to create a music video with his music in mind as the changing rhythms and beats of his music would allow our music video to be both a concept and narrative based, as the song changes from a slow pace to a fast pace meaning when the fast pace sets in we can have a party atmosphere making it a more concept based video. Also the lyrics in his songs often talk about the younger generation, so I thought it would make it possible for us to link the visuals with the lyrics, making our music video even more entertaining for the target audience.

Example is an English singer and rapper who creates music under the genres of electro house and dance. Examples real name is Elliot Gleave, so he created his stage name from his initials 'E.G.'. He is currently signed to Mercury Records which is a subsidiary label of Ministry of Sound. He released his first album whilst signed to The Beats record label, called 'What We Made' in 2007. He then released his second album in 2010, called 'Won't Go Quietly', this album was very successful selling 60,000 copies in only 4 months, and eventually reached number 4 on the UK Albums chart. His third album was even more successful than the second, it was released in 2011 and entitled 'Playing in the Shadows'. It reached number 1 in the UK Albums Charts and was soon followed by a sold out tour. The second single to be released from this album was called 'Stay Awake' and reached number 1 in the charts. As well as releasing all of his solo singles, he has also collaborated with many famous singers and rappers, including; Professor Green, Ed Sheeran, Calvin Harris and The Wanted.
Example has also been nominated for many awards and won the Popjustice £20 Music Prize in 2010.

Analysis of Example Music Videos
Stay Awake
'Stay Awake' is the second single from Examples third album, this music video is narrative and concept based with strong links between the lyrics and visuals. The target audience for this song and music video is teenagers who like dance music, the music video will entertain this target audience as it includes a party like atmosphere which the audience will be able to relate with easily. The first shot we see is of a white background with a large symbol of the letter 'E' which is usually associated with him, as it is his logo. We are then shown a shot of example standing next to this symbol which shows us that they are the same size and also reinforces the idea that the 'e' stands for his stage name 'Example'.
Once the music and lyrics kick in we are shown a close up of Example singing to the camera the words 'If we don't kill ourselves, we'll be the leaders of a messed up generation'. We are then shown a series of shots of different teenagers, all based on different stereotypes of teenagers, looking at the camera and standing or sitting still. The teenagers postures and facial expressions make them appear to be troubled and deep in thought.
We are then shown a shot which links to Goodwin's theory as there is a strong relationship between the lyrics and visuals as when Example sings the lyrics 'Did we chase the rabbit into wonderland?' we are shown a long shot of the back of a girl with a rabbit hat on walking in the woods on her own.

As the tempo of the song begins to pick up we are shown the girl dressed in a rabbit hat again, but this time she is dancing towards what looks like a colourful party in the woods.
As well as having a link between the lyrics and visuals, there is also a link between the music and visuals, as when there is a fast clapping noise in the music, the shot alternates between a shot of the party atmosphere and a shot of Example singing, this makes the music video flow well as it shows there is a true link between the content of the music video and the actual song.
In the next series of shots we are shown plenty of shots of teenagers with tattoos, piercings and revealing clothing. This links to the message in Examples lyrics, which is questioning whether our younger generation has messed up and taken things to far, such as drink, drugs and partying. This idea is also expressed when we are shown a shot of many teenagers dancing in the back of a pick up truck drinking and also spilling their drink everywhere.

Throughout the rest of the video we are just shown many shots of Example singing and rapping to the camera and also plenty of shots of teenagers dancing and partying in different places. Many of these teenagers are dressed in fancy dress and in bright colours. this further adds to the party atmosphere which will appeal to the songs target audience.
During the climax of the song the speed of the shots is slowed down as Example jumps in the air and a group of teenagers run towards each other with coloured flour in their hands. As the beat drops the pace of the footage returns to normal and the teenagers throw the coloured powder at each other which creates a very colourful and vivid shot. The last shot is of a teenage boy standing in front of the screen covered in bright blue powder. He appears to be on his own which reflects the idea that as well as it being the end of the song, it is also the end of the party.

Analysis of Example - Changed The Way You Kiss Me

Example's music video for the song 'Changed the way you kiss me' is mainly performance based with some concept based footage in it. This dance music video will excite and entertain Example's target audience as they will enjoy seeing the performance based footage and this may persuade them to see him live.
Like most of examples lyrics, these ones have a deep meaning that can sometimes be hidden by the up beat music track. The lyrics are about a man who is afraid of committing to the relationship he is in as he just wanted a short fling with the girl, but now the girl has started to change the way she kisses him to be more passionate so he knows she is falling in love with him. This fact scares the man so he now wants to get out of the relationship but finds this difficult.

The music video begins with Example getting ready and preparing himself for his performance on stage. There are many close ups used so we can see his facial expression which appears to be anxious and in deep thought, this relates to Goodwin's theory as there is a clear relationship between the lyrics and visuals. The whole of this music video is in black and white, and this effect is very good at creating a more intense atmosphere, as the black and white effect could represent a dark cloud or shadow that is hanging over Example's head as he decides what to do about the relationship he is in.
We see some shots of Example singing the lyrics of the song and then when the beat kicks in we are shown a shot of a crowd of people jumping up and down to the song, so this is a clear link between the music and the visuals which is another aspect of Goodwin's theory.

The rest of the music video mainly shows Example and his band performing on stage and the jumping audience and the energetic dancing Example gives the video a lively and more dramatic effect as it looks like they are all jumping up and down to the beat. We also see close ups of the hands of these people in the audience and this close up shows that they are having a good time listening to Wxample live and are really getting in to the music. This will excite the audince as they will be able to see that Example is a fun performer to see live, so this may persuade them to go and see him live at his next gig.
The editing at the begining of the music video is slow paced, but as the beat drops the editing becomes fast pace and this represents the musics pace. This fast paced editing makes the music video look more lively and fun. As the beat slows down again the editing becomes slow paced again and a slow motion effect is used as the audinece jump up and down.
As he is singing about the girl there are several close ups of girls dancing in the crowd and looking in to the camera, this is part of the concept of the music video as it relates to the lyrics and represents the confident girl he is currently going out with.

Another concept based part of the music video is a close up which shows a couple kissing, this strongly relates with the lyrics and the title of the song, and this will help the audience understand the lyrics of the song.

This research which I have conducted will help me whilst planning and constructing my music video as I know know what the main features of most of Example's music videos are and I also know that most of his lyrics have a deeper meaning than most dance songs, so I will now be able to put some concept based footage into our music video that will convey this deeper meaning, and we will be able to do close ups of peoples faces with more serious expressions which will also show the mood of the song and help the target audience understand the lyrics more.


  1. You have made a start in analysing the representation of your chosen artsit. You have analysed one music video well, but you need to consider the mise-en-scene in further detail.

    Also you still need to analyse one more music video and then include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your music video

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound analysis of your chosen music artist. You have analysed the videos well and you have also considered how your research will assist you with planning your own in more detail.
