Friday 7 December 2012

Planning the Cinematography

Throughout our music video we plan to use a mixture of many camera shots and angles to show the lifestyle of the artist and to try and get across the concept of the drugs and alcohol being consumed by the teenager. We will shoot some shots using a tripod and shoot other shots whilst holding the camera to give it a disjointed and disorientated look.


This close-up shot of the artist Beyonce allows the audience to clearly see the artists face and image which will intrigue them to continue watching the msuci video.
The close-up shot is used frewuently in music videos as it shows the audience the image in more detail and add an importance to what is being shown in the image. Also a close-up of the artists face will allow the audeince to see the artists facial expressions more quickly and also allow the audience to see the artists eyes which can convey a lot of emotions.
During our music video, as well as having close ups of peoples faces, we will also have close ups of bottles of alcohol, such as beer bottles, and fake drugs on tables (e.g. flour) to show the audience the teenagers damaging lifestyle, and this links strongly to the lyrics.

Panning Shot

Panning shots are not one of the most conventional shot types in dance music viddeos, but they are used sometimes and we plan to use one in our music video. Panning is often used to express fast motion and to highlight one actor or object in the screen. In our music video we plan to use this shot by panning up a girls body whilst the camera focuses on cuts on her body and also the alcohol and cigarrestes in her hands. So this panning shot will highlight what 'the messed up generation' has done to themselves.

Point of View Shot

Point of view shots are often used in music videos to show the audience the artists lifestyle through the artists eyes. We plan on using a point of view shot suring the party scenes when some people have started falling asleep with alcohol in their hands. The effect of the audience seeing this through the artists eyes whilst he is walking around will be that they can see how messed up the younger generation have become and how the artist isn't as bad as some of these drunk teenagers. So if some of the target audience look up to our artist as a role model when they see this shot through the artists eyes they may be persuaded to change their ways and copy the artists way of not getting too drunk.

Long Shot

A long shot enables the audience to see a persons full body or a locations full surroundings, so many music videos use this shot when theya re filmint the artist to enable the audience to see his full image. An artists image is very important as it can attract the right target audience and also be used as a marketing tool, so by using long shots in our music video we are allowing the audeince to see our artists full body so that they can see what clothes he's wearing and what position he is standing in. The clothing of our artist is important as they have to be casual in order to relate to the dance genre, but they also have to be slightly expensive to show off the artists lifestlye. Also being able to see the artists position and posture is important because it allows them to understand the artists characteristics a bit better, as if they can see him hunched over slightly they may get the impression that the artists is shy, but if he is standing up straight looking straight into the camera he may appear more serious and confident.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the different camera shots that you wish to include within your music video. You have defined each term well and you have also started to consider the purpose of it too.

    This needs to be explained in further detail by considering the concept of your video
