Thursday 6 December 2012


In order to make our digipak and magazine adverts look professional and like a typical dance CD cover and advert we had to take our own photos so that we could insert them into our work.
All of the photos we took were of our artist, as a typical convention of dance CD covers and adverts is to have a picture of the artist on them.
Having the artists picture on their work is important, especially for a new, not so well known artist, as these pictures create an image for them which the artists fans will like seeing, as they will be able to see into the artists lifestyle.

After taking some pictures of our artist we discovered that it was important for us to get the right angle and lighting for the picture as our first pictures came out looking not as proffesioanl as they could be. However, with the use of photoshop we were able to successfully edit these photos, so we fixed the sharpness, brightness and contrast of the photos to make them work on our products.

In order to get suitable close ups we were able to crop some of these photos and just use the head shot on our posters and digipaks. Also the angle of the artists head in these pictures was very important and useful as we were able to creatively use them to make it look as though the artist was looking at a certain piece of information on the poster or digipak and this would help turn the readers attention to what he is looing at.
We amnaged to get a range of photos to show the artists different emotions in order to give the audience a sense of the artists personality, this personality was important to get across to the audience as he is a new artist that most of the target audience will not know about, so the positive personality he gives of in these photos is important to help the audince percieve him well with a good personality.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a sound understanding of what a photshoot is and this is evident through the images that you have included. Now aim to include your before and after ideas from when they were used in photoshop.
