Friday 7 December 2012

Risk Assessment

Before we begin filming, it is important to consider the potential risks we may experience whilst filming our music video. Some of the risks we thought we could encounter are: rain which could damage the equipment, slippery floor in the forests, busy streets, fire hazard with sparklers, animals in the forest and more.

This table we created filled with the potential risks we could face will help us when filming our music video, because if we do encounter any of these hazards we will know how to handle them in the safest way, and by identifying the hazards early it could help us to prevent them from happening as we now know that they could potentially harm one of our actors or cause problems whilst filming.

Description of hazard
Prevention of hazard
Rain damaging the equipment
Using a transparent cover over the equipment.
Filming in the forest uneven grounds
Wear sensible shoes and take time when walking around and make sure that there aren’t any unexpected dangers in the ground.
Filming on a concrete street, glass in the road and uneven grounds causing someone to maybe fall.
Before we start to film check the grounds for any pieces of glass and dress our artist in sensible clothes so that if they do fall over there wont be any injuries.
Use of sparklers
Put the sparklers out before throwing them away and using gloves when in touch with sparklers. Also to read the instructions on the packet, this will help in reducing the risk of danger.
Animals in the forest
Due to us filming in the forest we may come across some animals, in order to prevent any danger from happening, we wont go right deep into the forest we will stay on the outskirts in case a danger occurs we are able to escape.


1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of what a risk assessment is and why it is essential to carry it out
